
The short of it: June Marie Milham is an artist working in multimedia, living in southern California. (That’s me. I’m June.)

The long of it: A small business owner, artist, and occassional drinker of wine, June lives in California’s Antelope Valley and has recently started showing in galleries. She draws inspiration from literature and film, having worked professionally in the study and teaching of these fields, and these interests can be seen in much of her work.

Words and color and the intimacy of portaiture comprise the principal elements of her latest series, DISTANT RELATIVES. Each element has something to do with the way we tell our stories. Each plays a central role in the way we relate to the world and to the way our dreams are formed. And so she likes to play with them, creating art that can sometimes act like memory; specific and charged, yet resisting and resistant to the contexts they invoke.

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